We are a NUT and KIWI free school
Catering FAQ’s
How do students pay for food?
You can top up your child’s account using the Arbor App. Or student can add money to their account using the top up machine at student reception.
Students use their finger to pay for items in the canteen. Please note that the finger scan is not stored, the fingerprint merely creates a code which allows access to the account. We do not store the fingerprint anywhere.
If a student has not yet had their finger scanned, they can visit the kitchen to have this done.
What happens if your child has run out of funds?
If students do not have enough funds on their account, they can visit their Head of Year or Student Reception to obtain a lunch slip. We will then request that this balance is repaid as a matter of urgency, by topping up via Arbor. If a student has outstanding debt we will not issue slips until this debt is paid.
My child is eligible for a free school meal, do I still need an Arbor lunch account?
FSM entitlement at lunchtime if this is not spent, it is not carried forward to the next day. If your child would like to purchase extra items, or items at breaktime you may wish to top up additional funds.