Student Portal

Online Safety

The internet is a brilliant place to connect with others, to be creative and to discover new things. In order to stay safe and to enjoy the many wonderful opportunities to engage in the world of social media it is vital to follow basic e-safety guidelines.

The Hyndburn Academy is keen to promote the safe, and responsible, use of communication and interactive communication technologies.

Potential risks can include, but are not limited to:

  • Bullying by peers and people they consider ‘friends’
  • Posting personal information that can identify and locate a child offline
  • Sexual grooming, luring, exploitation and abuse contact with strangers
  • Exposure to inappropriate and/or illegal content
  • Involvement in making or distributing illegal or inappropriate content
  • Theft of personal information
  • Exposure to information and interaction with others who encourage self-harm
  • Exposure to racist or hate material
  • Encouragement of violent behaviour, such as ‘happy slapping’
  • Glorifying activities such as drug taking or excessive drinking
  • Physical harm to young people in making video content, such as enacting and imitating stunts and risk taking activities
  • Leaving and running away from home as a result of contacts made online

For more information regarding E-Safety visit the following website. It has information regarding E-Safety and is a massive step in providing E-Safety information and protecting children online. It is managed by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) multi-agency service which includes the Police Force.


At The Hyndburn Academy, we know that learning outside lesson time is essential to long-term academic success. It allows students to extend their learning and to reinforce what has been learned in class.

Homework is set via the Arbor App and parents/carers and students can see clearly what they have been set and the date due to be handed in.

Key Stage 3

Sparx Maths

Sparx Maths tasks are set on a Friday weekly and must be completed and submitted by the following Wednesday.

Seneca Learning 

Students will use directed Seneca tasks to consolidate knowledge and skills acquired in-class across curriculum areas.


Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 students will use directed Seneca tasks to consolidate knowledge and skills acquired in class across curriculum areas. Revision tasks for in-class assessments, independent responses to questions, and mock exams will also be set. For vocational courses, completing coursework sections and units will be expected. Hegarty maths will be set on a weekly basis for all Key Stage 4 classes. Students should use their class Microsoft Teams page for revision resources, knowledge organisers and subject-specific work to support with homework.


If your child is struggling with any aspect of their homework, then please encourage them to go and see their form tutor or subject teacher. Your child can also attend our after-school homework club, please see the enrichment timetable for more information. The LRC is also available to student’s afterschool. There are members of staff who can support your child with their homework and computers are available to use if you are struggling at home with internet access. At home, please support your child by ensuring that they have a quiet environment to do their home learning. It is important that your child gets into positive and effective study habits now so that they can fulfill their learning potential.

School equipment

Bringing the correct equipment to school is essential for students to make progress in lessons.

Students should check their school equipment daily and their Head of Year will check it every week.

All students should bring the following equipment to school every day:

  • School bag
  • Clear Pencil Case
  • Black Pen x 2
  • Pencil x 2
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • Sharpener
  • Highlighter any colour but not purple
  • Protractor

PE kit must also be brought into school on the appropriate day.

The Academy Day


The Academy Day at The Hyndburn Academy is below, please note due to COVID the arrival times for Year Groups are staggered. Y7,8 and 9 arrive at 8.35am and Years 10 & 11 arrive at 9.00am. 

8:00am - 8:30am  Breakfast Club
8.35am Line Up
8.55am-9.10am Whole School Reading
9:10am - 10.50am  Lesson 1
10.50am - 11:10am  Break
11:10am - 12:50pm  Lesson 2
12:50pm - 13:30pm  Lunch
13:30pm - 15:10pm   Lesson 4
14:20pm - 15:10pm Lesson 6
15:10pm - 16:00pm  Main School day ends
 Consequences - Enrichment opportunities


Home/School Agreement

At The Hyndburn Academy we believe that a sound home-school partnership is key to securing the best outcomes for all students. A sound partnership is one where parents, students and staff work together in a collaborative and co-operative manner.

Just as you have expectations of the Academy and its staff, we too have high expectations of you - the parents and students.

By choosing The Hyndburn Academy, you have chosen to enter into a partnership, which we shall work together to ensure success for your child.

Expectations of Parents Expectations of Students Expectations of School
  • Support the school’s visions and aims;
  • Ensure your child attends school regularly
    and punctually in the correct school uniform. (Please note that the school will
    not authorise absence other than in exceptional circumstances)
  • Regularly check and sign the Student Planner and support your child’s homework effort;
  • Support the school’s Behaviour Management Policy;
  • Contact school if you have any concerns/queries.
  • Attend your child’s Parents’ Evening.
  • Attend school regularly and punctually in the correct school uniform;
  • Ensure you are appropriately equipped for all lessons;
  • Never leave the school premises without permission;
  • Agree to follow the school rules;
  • Behave whilst in lessons and around school;
  • Ask for help when you need it;
  • Respond appropriately to all requests made of me by a member of staff;
  • Conduct yourself in a polite and respectful manner at all times (including on your way to and from school);
  • To do your best.
  • Provide the best education we are able for all our students;
  • Promote aspire and achievement;
  • Provide a happy, safe and secure environment;
  • Support and encourage all students to fulfil their social and academic potential;
  • Promote the development of self-respect and respect for others;
  • Undertake to keep parents informed about the progress of their child.


Student Leadership

Student leadership is a major strand of our work. We believe encouraging students to demonstrate our principles of determination, respect, resilience, creativity, enthusiasm and confidence develops characteristics that all great leaders share.

Through these roles we seek to engage students in the key decisions and keep them at the very heart of Academy life.

Houses Each student belong to a House and has the oppoutunity  to represent their house throughout the Year. 
Student Participation  Students can apply for one of these roles. For example, subject based, extra-curricular based or the student council. 
Key Stage 3 Charter Awards Throughout Key Stage 3, students will access themselves against our student charter and will be awared a bronze, silver of gold charter award. 
Year 10 Student Leaders Students who have successfully completed the Charter Awards and have been awarded a KS3 Gold Award Badge can apply to be a Y10 student leader.
Year 11 Ambassadors Year 10 Student Leaders can apply to beome a Y11 Ambassador. 
Year 11 Headship All Year 11 Ambassadors will be considered for a Headship position. Our Senior Leadership Team will select a Head Boy, Head Girl and deputies. 




RT1 (Medium)

JCQ Notices

JCQ Privacy Notice

Written Examinations 404

Information for candidates - Social Media

Information for candidates - Coursework Assessments

Information for candidates- Non Examination Assessment

Information for candidates- On Screen Examinations

Information for candidates and parents. GCSEs & AS/A Levels in England Summer 2021.

Collection of Certificates

Following the summer exams, certificates will be available for collection from the school reception from November between the hours of 9.30am and 2.00pm

Certificates belong to the student and, therefore, cannot be issued to any other individual without a signed letter of authorisation from the student and identification of the person collecting. 

It is extremely important exam certificates are collected and kept secure as they are required for Higher Education and workplaces often request them.

Exam Policies

Please see the policies section of our website here.

Examinations Boards



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Virtual Library

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

Financial Accountability and Freedom of Information
Website Terms, Cookies and Privacy

United Learning