
At The Hyndburn Academy, we know that learning outside lesson time is essential to long-term academic success. It allows students to extend their learning and to reinforce what has been learned in class.

Homework is set via the Arbor App and parents/carers and students can see clearly what they have been set and the date due to be handed in.

Download your guide to accessing Arbor Assignments here.

Key Stage 3

Sparx Maths

Sparx Maths tasks are set on a Friday weekly and must be completed and submitted by the following Wednesday.

Seneca Learning 

Students will use directed Seneca tasks to consolidate knowledge and skills acquired in-class across curriculum areas.

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers contain critical, fundamental knowledge for all subjects that you must know in order to be successful. They will help you recap, revisit and revise what you have learned in lessons to move the knowledge within from your short-term memory to long-term memory. 

Year 7 Knowledge Organiser

Year 8 Knowledge Organiser

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 students will use directed Seneca tasks to consolidate knowledge and skills acquired in class across curriculum areas. Revision tasks for in-class assessments, independent responses to questions, and mock exams will also be set. For vocational courses, completing coursework sections and units will be expected. Hegarty maths will be set on a weekly basis for all Key Stage 4 classes. Students should use their class Microsoft Teams page for revision resources, knowledge organisers and subject-specific work to support with homework.


Guide to accessing online platforms

If your child is struggling with any aspect of their homework, then please encourage them to go and see their form tutor or subject teacher. Your child can also attend our after-school homework club, please see the enrichment timetable for more information. The LRC is also available to student’s afterschool. There are members of staff who can support your child with their homework and computers are available to use if you are struggling at home with internet access. At home, please support your child by ensuring that they have a quiet environment to do their home learning. It is important that your child gets into positive and effective study habits now so that they can fulfill their learning potential.

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