Student Leadership

Student leadership is a major strand of our work. We believe encouraging students to demonstrate our principles of determination, respect, resilience, creativity, enthusiasm and confidence develops characteristics that all great leaders share.

Through these roles we seek to engage students in the key decisions and keep them at the very heart of Academy life.

Houses Each student belong to a House and has the oppoutunity  to represent their house throughout the Year. 
Student Participation  Students can apply for one of these roles. For example, subject based, extra-curricular based or the student council. 
Key Stage 3 Charter Awards Throughout Key Stage 3, students will access themselves against our student charter and will be awared a bronze, silver of gold charter award. 
Year 10 Student Leaders Students who have successfully completed the Charter Awards and have been awarded a KS3 Gold Award Badge can apply to be a Y10 student leader.
Year 11 Ambassadors Year 10 Student Leaders can apply to beome a Y11 Ambassador. 
Year 11 Headship All Year 11 Ambassadors will be considered for a Headship position. Our Senior Leadership Team will select a Head Boy, Head Girl and deputies. 


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