In Year 9 students select the subjects they would like to student at Key Stage 4. Students are guided to one of three pathways, EBacc, Open or Guided. Students are placed into a ‘pathway’ that we believe supports their individual abilities and provide them with the platform for success. Students are afforded the opportunity to select options in each of these pathways. We tailor the suite of options available in each of the pathways to support students to access courses suitable to their ability levels and to provide them the best opportunities for success.
Students select options from four option blocks. We provide as broad a range of subjects as possible and we endeavour to provide subjects that students enjoy. This is to ensure they can access the next stages of their education and future career interests and opportunities.
Within their pathway students select a first and second preference from each of the four option blocks and we strive to provide all students with their first options, where possible. For a small number of students, we direct a particular course in an option block. This happens through a process of collaboration between the student, their parent/carer and their teachers. This process supports those identified students to access a full suite of options.