Pastoral Care

Heads of Years (HOY) head up the pastoral system and are the primary point of contact for parents and carers. HOYs provide pastoral support to students from a mentoring perspective and promote peer mentoring throughout the Academy. Centrally located in the Student Hub there is always a HOY or Pastoral Manager on hand to talk to, advise and mentor students on a range of different issues.

Heads of Years get to know students from transition and follow the journey of each student through their time at the Academy.

The pastoral system allows the communication about and knowledge of a student, their journey and their achievements to be retained within the pastoral system.

Other benefits include:

  • Promoting a sense of belonging
  • Integration between years
  • Providing a mechanism for peer support
  • Developing a sense of competition and team work

Parents wanting to contact the school about their child you should contact their child’s Head of Year in the first instance, who will be able to deal with the query or direct it to the most appropriate member of staff. 

The Pastoral Team

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