Latest News

We will be regularly updating this section to outline the amazing opportunities and achievements of our students. We hope you follow our journey.

A Virtual Christmas Cracker

Due to COVID-19 our annual Christmas Cracker has gone virtual. Sit back, relax and watch the amazing talent of our students and staff (staff is more emerging talent).  



Aspire Case Study

Having joined The Hyndburn Academy (HYA) in September 2019, Phil Harter, PE teacher and Director of Student Engagement, was soon tasked with driving forward the school’s involvement in the Aspirations Programme. Despite the academy’s best efforts, as a result of Covid-19 and the nationwide closure of schools, the programme did not run as smoothly as hoped in its first year. However, the start of the 2020/21 academic year has given the programme renewed focus and Aspire is now successfully underway for students in Years 7-10.



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